Puppy Start Right

Designed for puppies up to 16 weeks

Are you welcoming a new puppy into your home?


Our Puppy Start Right Program is designed especially for puppies in their early developmental stages. This comprehensive program spans up to 16 weeks, combining both in-person and virtual lessons. We cover essential lifesaving skills and basic commands during these crucial first few weeks, ensuring your puppy gets off to the right start in life.

Personalized Approach

At Imagine Canine Academy, we understand that every dog is unique and requires individual attention and training. For dogs that may be apprehensive around new people, we offer extended training intervals between in-person lessons, allowing them to progress at their own pace comfortably.

The Puppy Start Right Program includes four in-person lessons and four 30-minute virtual lessons. Our recommended schedule involves starting with an in-person lesson and alternating with virtual lessons between subsequent in-person sessions. This approach allows for optimal learning and practice, ensuring your puppy grasps the training concepts effectively.

Get Started Today

Invest in your dog's future by enrolling in our Puppy Start Right Program. Our positive reinforcement techniques will not only train your dog but also empower you to continue their growth beyond the program.

At Imagine Canine Academy, we are committed to providing quality training that is accessible to all dog owners. As part of our transparent pricing policy, we charge a one-time travel fee of $50 per package for clients residing 30 minutes or more away from our location at 27103.

Contact Us

If you’re ready to embark on a rewarding journey with your canine companion, or if you have any questions about our training programs, feel free to reach out to us. You can call us at 336.770.8994 or email us at [email protected]

Let Imagine Canine Academy be your partner in fostering a well-behaved and happy dog!
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